Christian Szegedy, a Google Research munkatársa angol nyelvű előadást tartott a MILAB Alapkutatás szemináriumán. A 2023. február 22-i, "AI for Mathematics and Autoformalization" című előadás online is megtekinthető. Christian Szegedy egyébként a MILAB társszervezésében rendezett AI & AUT EXPO során is tartott előadást.
A február 22-i előadás angol nyelvű absztraktja a következő:
This talk will focus on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in mathematics and autoformalization. The use of AI in mathematics has gained significant attention in recent years, with applications ranging from theorem proving to generating mathematical conjectures. The talk will provide an overview of the various AI techniques that are used in mathematics, including neural networks, automated reasoning, and natural language processing. The second part of the talk will focus on autoformalization, which is the process of automatically verifying mathematical proofs using computers. The speaker will discuss the challenges associated with autoformalization and the recent advances in the field. Additionally, the talk will highlight the potential benefits of autoformalization, including increased rigor and reliability in mathematical proofs. Overall, this talk will provide a comprehensive overview of the role of AI in mathematics and autoformalization and will highlight the potential for these technologies to revolutionize the way mathematics is done.
Az előadás felvétele alant látható.