- 60 min "Generative Language Model, Deepfake, and Fake News 2.0: Scenarios and Implications" (Dongwon Lee, Penn State)
- 30 min "Similarity-based malware detection on IoT devices” (Buttyan Levente, BME)
12:00-14:00 lunch break
14:00-16:00 presentations
- 30 min “Disaggregating Membership Inference in Federated Learning” (Acs Gergely, BME)
- 30 min "Fungibility and de-anonimization of cryptocurrencies" (Béres Ferenc, Kelen Domokos, SZTAKI)
- 30 min "Static Code Analysis Alarms Filtering Reloaded: A New Real-World Dataset and its ML-Based Utilization" (Péter Hegedűs, Rudolf Ferenc, SZTE)
- 30 min "Backdoor Attacks and Defenses in Neural Networks: Recent Results" (Jelasity Márk, SZTE)