Dr. Becker is the Deputy Director of the Heart and Vascular Center of Semmelweis University. He was a main contributor to the organization of regional acute myocardial infarction care in Central Hungary. His research interests include interventional cardiology, platelet activation inhibition, and the association of acute coronary syndromes with meteorological factors. He is the President-Elect of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology.
Skoda,R; Nemes,A; Bárczi, Gy; Gajdácsi, J; Vágó,V; Ruzsa,Z; Édes,I;Szabó,L; Czimbalmos,Cs; Sydó,N; Dinya,E; Merkely,B; Becker,D.:Prognosis and clinical characteristics of patients with early ventricular fibrillation in the 6-week guideline-offered time period. Is it safe to wait 6 weeks with the assessment? (Results from the VMAJOR-MI Registry). Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. Accepted for publication.
Becker, D ; Móri, A ; Bárczi, Gy ; Vágó, H ; Szenczi, O ; Berta, B ; Heltai, K ; Zima, E ; Maurovich-Horvat, P ; Merkely, B The magnitude of perkutaneous coronary intervention treatment in high and medium risk non-ST elevation akute coronary syndrome COR ET VASA 56 : 4 pp. e333-e336. (2014)
Becker, D ; Soós, P ; Berta, B ; Nagy, A ; Fülöp, G ; Szabó, Gy ; Bárczi, Gy ; Belicza, É ; Martai, I ; Merkely, B: Significance of off-hours in a centralized primary perkutáneous coronary intervention network CROATIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL 50 : 5 pp. 476-482. , 7 p. (2009)