On 19 June 2024, the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory (MILAB), coordinated by HUN-REN SZTAKI, held its summer Professional Day. This year's Professional Day was organised by MILAB in collaboration with the NJSZT - KEPAF. The full-day programme included a State Welcome Address and industry presentations in the morning, followed by the NJSZT KEPAF session in the afternoon.
Bence Tóth, representative of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH), stressed the importance of the continuous supply of researchers and underlined that the aim of the RDI programme is to generate more services, products and researchers, based on flagship projects supported and promoted by resource allocation.
András Benczúr, MILAB's scientific coordinator presented the current status of the MILAB project, where a deadline extension is expected, a new publication with updated content is being prepared, an ELLIS tender is underway; and the second edition of the 3-day Machine Learning meeting will be held in 2024, with this year's AI & AUT EXPO following during autumn.
The rest of the day included presentations on neural radiation fields, solar cell error detection, pension record digitization, image processing methods, language models, 2D and 3D image/video/point cloud quality estimation, and automated cancer cell detection. In a live demonstration, the recently acquired foot-powered mobile measurement platform, the Boston Dynamics robotic dog and its sensing accessories, were presented.