The Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) Telecommunications and Artificial Intelligence Series 2023 held its "Big Language Models and their Applications - ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence" event on 2 May 2023. The event was sold out and the broadcast was followed in real time by more than 150 people.
BME faculty and researchers, as well as researchers from other member institutions of the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory (MILAB) shared current results and plans in this field.
The event was attended by János Levendovszky, Charaf Hassan, Bálint Gyires-Tóth, Péter Mihajlik, Gábor Csapó Tamás, Viktor Borbély from BME, and talks were given by András Benczúr (SZTAKI), Tamás Váradi (Research Centre for Linguistics), László Mérő (ELTE) and Ferenc Vágújhelyi (HTE, NHIT, NAV), the technical director of MILAB.