The AI Coalition of Hungary and the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory held a successful conference on the 28th of April, 2021, titled “The effect of the language technology revolution on Hungarian customer services” in front of more than a hundred online attendees, supported by the Digital Success Programme.
The goal of the conference was to sit every party at the same virtual desk to realize the “Customer service automation in Hungarian” transformative program, articulated in the Hungarian AI Strategy.
The organizers wish to showcase for the largest achievable audience, how language processing possibilities evolve, and how customer service providers, technology developers and academics can cooperate. These options support the survival and everyday use of Hungarian language within the digital era.
The conference introduced developers of language technology applications, applications with Hungarian support, and language technology research results in practical use by the language technology sub-project of MILAB, led by Richárd Farkas.
Richárd Farkas (MILAB) and Gergely Szertics (AI Colation) stated that such events will be held in every third month to let community members continue their discussion, and to get feedback about the stasis of certain goals articulated in the Artificial Intelligence Strategy.