The online conference had a limited number of attendees to focus on on-going projects, showcased by their sub-project leads.
The Finnish Center of AI (FCAI) has about sixty AI professionals in its researcher groups. FCAI aims to research and develop collaborative AI solutions which may cooperate with humans during complex tasks. It is about to renew the Finnish industry with such artificial intelligence methods and technologies.
Real AI in Real World – this is the motto of FCAI that wishes to bring AI closer to human cognition. The idea is that AI will assistant humans even further and this has to be the main direction of its development. Present-day AI works in limited capacities and current tools exist to overcome its shortcomings. To develop Real AI, data efficiency, ethics and ways of interaction must get to an even more advanced level.
Petri Myllymäky, AI professor from the FCAI talked about the center’s actual goals. Heli Helaakoski, research manager at VTT presented their ratio of funding and projects in Finland and in the EU. Simo Särkkä AI professors showcased FCAI’s research programs.
See all the participants bellow:
- Ailisto Heikki, VTT, coordinates VTT activities in Finnish Center for AI
- András Benczúr: Research coordinator – HE projects
- Dávid Becker
- Dora Mattyasovszky-Philipp
- Gábor-Érdi Krausz single point of contact -HE project coordinator
- Heli Helaakoski, Research Manager, VTT10/05/2021VTT –beyond the obvious
- Istvan Csabai,
- János Levendovszky,
- Petri Myllymaky: Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, University of Helsinki, Vice_Director FCAI
- Richard Farkas )
- Rudolf Ferenc, )
- Simo Särkkä: Associate Professor, Aalto University, FCAI AI across fields, company collaboration, FCAI AI for Health SIG coordinating professor
- Zsolt Zombori,