András Benczúr gave an hour-long interview to the Machine Learning Budapest podcast about his career in science, AI and everything in between.
Benczúr talked about his experiences at MIT and what could one achieve with such background in Hungary. “I had a small group of motivated students, many of whom now work at Google” – said Benczúr about his own experiences with search engine development. He talked about startup culture as well, including the differences between the Hungarian and the global markets that determine some projects will always go worldwide to achieve their true potential due to the sheer size of local tech markets.
“We’ll see, I’m interested in every scenario when I may work with smart people with good ideas” – said Benczúr laughing when the interviewer, Emese Thamó asked him if he would ever join a startup in the future. New areas of AI were also discussed, with large focus on healthcare applications – Benczúr warned for an enlarging global need for doctors and medical staff that may be optimized by AI-based solutions.
See the full podcast episode in Hungarian bellow: